If a laptop that was assigned to an employee is declared lost or stolen, the employee needs to report the equipment as lost/stolen with Public Safety, in addition to the Police Department in the area of the machine was last seen. Examples:

  • If the employee lost device or device was stolen in the airport, TSA must be notified;

  • If the employee lost device or device was stolen in New York City, that specific NYPD precinct needs to be notified;

  • If the employee lost device or device was stolen outside of NYC, a report must be filed with the local precinct of the city that the incident occurred, even if it is out of the country;

Once a police report is filed, a copy of the police report needs to be sent to Public Safety. Public Safety will need a Police report number specifically. Public Safety will notify the designated list of St. John’s University personal of an incident. A copy of the Public Safety incident report is sent to IT with users information.

If the laptop is recovered and the employee already has a replacement, the user will keep the replacement. The found equipment will be returned to inventory. If the user’s data is still on the laptop, the user will be able to back up his/her data from the old equipment to the new.

Faculty/ Employee’s department head should be notified that if a user's laptop is lost/stolen a second time, the department will be charged for the loss of the equipment.