WebEx Recordings

* Effective March 3, 2023, WebEx policy stipulates that all recordings may be stored for up to 360 days. After this time, videos aged past 360 days will be auto-deleted. 

It is recommended that all sessions that are desired to be retained are downloaded and saved outside of WebEx. Please see the following guide: How do I back up my WebEx Recordings?

To share a direct link to a WebEx recording:

Visit signon.stjohns.edu, then click on the WebEx tile.

Select Recordings on the left navigation bar.

Click Share (1/2 triangle logo), next to the name of the recording.

 Select “Anyone with the link can view this recording” *This step is critical, if restricted, to “People in my company can view this recording” instead, users on occasion have difficulty accessing if it appears they have logged out of the signonstjohns system. To prevent; utilize the prescribed setting above “Anyone with the link can…”

**Optional, click ‘Password protection’ to add a password.

 Click the clipboard (double rectangle) logo to copy the text.

This copied link is available on your clipboard and may now be pasted into an E-mail, Canvas Inbox message, Announcement, Page, or similar, by right-clicking, and then clicking paste, or pressing control + v.

If you have any additional questions about this, please visit: https://ithelp.stjohns.edu, and click "Report an Incident" to request assistance.