The Virtual Meetings feature of Webex Education Connector allows you to schedule and host a one-time or recurring meeting with your class.


Go to Virtual Meetings tab and click + New Meeting.

Sign in with your Webex account credentials, if necessary.


Enter the following information:

  • Name—Enter a descriptive name for your meeting.

  • Meeting Date—Indicate when you want the meeting to take place.

  • Duration—Set how long you want your meeting to last.

  • (if applicable) Choose session type—Choose Meeting or Training.

  • Recurrence—Choose how often you want your meeting to repeat, such as daily or weekly. Also choose when your meeting will stop repeating, such as on a specific date or after a certain number of meetings.

    • Please note: the default option will be preset to end after 10 meetings. You will have to change this if desired.

  • Unlocked Meetings-Instructors can control whether or not users outside of their school's Webex organization can join unlocked meetings. Choose whether guest can join the meeting directly, whether they must wait in the lobby and be admitted by the host, or cannot join the meeting.

  • Automatic lock—Have your meeting lock automatically when you start it.

  • Automatic recording—Choose to automatically record your meeting when you start it.


Click Create Meeting.

After you create a meeting, it appears in your Upcoming tab, where everyone that is enrolled in the course can see it. From here, you can start, edit, or delete meetings. Editing or deleting a recurring meeting will edit or delete the entire meeting series, as (blue star) recurring meetings cannot be individually edited or deleted.

If there are multiple instructors in one course, you can only start, edit, and delete the meetings that you created. You can't start, edit, or delete meetings that are scheduled by others in the course.

You can view your past meetings in the Past Meetings tab.