With Webex Meetings, you can record meetings and make those meetings available in the course using Webex Education Connector.

In order for recordings of Virtual Meetings to appear in Webex Education Connector, you must schedule the meeting in Webex Education Connector and be signed in to Webex from within Webex Education Connector when you start the meeting.

Webex Meetings sessions expire after several days of inactivity. We recommend that you sign out and sign back in to Webex from Webex Education Connector every few weeks to keep your session active.


During your Webex meeting, click Record.


Select Record in cloud, and then click Record.


When needed, click Record and do one of the following:

  • Click Pause and Resume to maintain a single recording.

  • Click Stop to end your current recording.

After your meeting ends or you stop recording, the recording appears under Recordings tab in Virtual Meetings.

(blue star) Depending on the file size and bandwidth, it can take up to 24 hours to receive the recording in Webex Education Connector.