As a host or cohost, breakout sessions are easy to create. You can create the sessions any time during the meeting and then when you're ready, start them.
Breakout sessions in Meetings have many of the same benefits as Webex Meetings including:
Voice Chat
Screen Sharing
Text Chat
Manually Create Breakout Sessions
In Webex Meetings versions 44.10 or later, locate the Breakout option from the menu bar of Webex Meetings and click Enable Breakout Session.
In the Breakout session assignments box, select the number of sessions you would like to have. Next, select the Assign Participants Manually option and finally, click the Create Assignments.
Webex will now add the number of sessions you selected and present your list of participants
Check the participant(s) you wish to add to a session and clicking the Move to session button (yellow circle), select the session to move those participant(s) to.
When you have assigned all your participant(s), click the Start breakout sessions button to start sessions.
Enabling Cameras in Breakout Sessions
To enable camera feeds when in a Breakout Session, simply select the Start video button (blue box below) in the Webex Meetings control bar at the bottom of the screen