Sharing your Screen in Webex:

  1. In your meeting, click the “Share” button. Depending on the size of your screen, this button might appear as either just the icon (image 1.1) or it might say “Share” alongside the icon (image 1.2). The buttons will do the same thing, regardless of whether it says “Share” or only appears as the icon.


  1. A “Share content” pop-up will appear prompting you to select what you would like to share (image 1.3). If you are only sharing content from one application, select the application you are going to be sharing. For example, if you are only going to share a quick YouTube video, select “Google Chrome” on the right. However if you want to share everything on your screen, select the appropriate “Screen” option on the left-hand side.

    1. In image 1.3, there are two “screen” options, as the user taking the screenshots was utilizing a second monitor. If you are only using one monitor, you will only have one screen option appear. Similarly, the applications that appear on the right side demonstrate the applications that are open on the user’s computer.


  1. If you will be sharing videos or other content with audio during your meeting, ensure you have toggled on “Share computer audio,” and select the appropriate “Optimize” option from the drop-down menu (image 1.4).


  1. Once the appropriate screen/application and settings are selected, click “Share” in the bottom right corner of the Share content pop-up window (image 1.5).


  1. When you are finished sharing your screen, click “Stop” in the sharing menu at the top of your screen (image 1.6).


Attention Mac Users:

If you have not shared your screen in Webex on your Mac before, you will need to give Webex permission to do this:

  1. Open System Settings (image 2.1)


  1. Go to “Privacy and Security” (image 2.2)

  1. Scroll down and select “Screen & System Audio Recording” (image 2.3)

  1. Locate “Webex” and toggle it on. Note that you if you also have “Cisco Webex Meetings” listed, you should toggle this on as well (image 2.4). If you are joining the meeting from your web browser and you are not using the Webex desktop application, please instead locate your web browser in this list and toggle that option on instead.

  1. If the application you are using to join the meeting was open while you adjusted these settings, please fully quit and restart the application.