If you are experiencing issues with audio quality and you are using a headset:
Try reconnecting your headset into your device.
Try another mic and speaker. Laptops and most desktops have onboard microphones and speakers.
Hang up and call them back to see if call quality changes.
Run a call test to hear your audio.
In Teams, go to Setting
Select Devices
Select Make a test call
This will allow you to leave a short message. You will have the ability to hear your message back to confirm both your audio and speakers
Yealink Users
If you are experiencing issues with audio quality and you are using a physical Yealink Phone.
Try reconnecting the handset
Restart the physical phone by disconnecting from the network
If you are still having issues with audio quality with Microsoft Teams, please contact the Help Desk at 718-990-5000 or visit IThelp.stjohns.edu