If you have logged in before, but do not remember your password, it can be reset on the UIS login page.

(If you have never logged in before, please see the following page on how to log in: How do I log in to UIS for the first time?)

2. Enter your X number with the capital letter X, and then click "Forgot PIN."

3. You will be prompted to reset your UIS PIN after answering a security question that you created when you first set it up.

You will then be prompted to create a new password.

** If you do not remember your security question / answer, you can call our service desk for further assistance.

     You will be required to verify your ID over the phone in order to proceed with a password reset.

PLEASE NOTE: All requests to a support agent to reset the password to an account can ONLY be requested by the account holder directly to the agent after verifying their ID. Account resets cannot be performed at the request of any other individual, including a guardian, parent, or spouse.

St. John's University Service Desk Support Line: 

(718) 990-5000, Option 2

Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. EST