Attendance Verification in Banner Self Service 9 (New UIS) will replace the Canvas Attendance Verification Process beginning in Fall 2024.  The new Attendance Verification form will be available to mark students present during the first two weeks of the semester. Once all students have been marked present, the verification process is complete, and no further action is required. 

1. Log in to Connect

There are several ways to log in to the Connect app.

2. In Connect, locate the Widget labeled “New UIS Experience.”

(**If you do not see this widget on your dashboard, please click on the button at the top that says “Find New Widgets.” )

Connect App on a Web Browser:

Connect in the mobile app:


Faculty members should have the “Faculty Courses” card on their dashboard.
(If you do not see it, you can add it through discovery by clicking on the blue “Discover More” button at the bottom of the page. )

  • Locate the card labeled: Faculty Courses and click on the Attendance Verification tab.


  • See a list of current courses, click the Take Roll button to take attendance 

take roll.png

  • The Attendance Verification form displays one week at a time. If you want to go back to the previous week, then click on the Calendar to change the dates.


  • Click in the circle to mark students Present. A circle with a checkmark is Present and an empty circle is Absent.

Note: Online Asynchronous classes are still required to enter Present: hours and minutes (can be 1 hr. and 0 mins) FOR EACH STUDENT. It can be any date and any number of hours and minutes. The specifics don’t matter. You are confirming the student is engaged in the class.


  • Continue monitoring until all students who are verified are marked present.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please visit: Click “Report an incident.” Please reference the CRN number where you are having problems viewing the attendance sheet.