1. Log in to Connect

There are several ways to log in to the Connect app.


For step-by-step instructions, please see: 

How do I log in to the Sign-On Portal?

How do I log in to Connect?

2. In Connect, locate the Widget labeled “New UIS Experience.”

(**If you do not see this widget on your dashboard, please click on the button at the top that says “Find New Widgets.” )

Connect on the web:
Connect mobile app:

3. New UIS Experience

Your UIS Experience Dashboard will open up:

Under “My Information,” view your Academic Profile.

Academic Profile:

Click on “Registration Notices” to view your status and your Time Ticket for registration.


Once you have met with your advisor, they will issue a PIN to you. You will need the PIN in order to proceed with registration once your Time Ticket starts. There will be a different PIN for each term that you are registering for.

Please note: You will not be able to proceed without the PIN.


To search for available classes:

  1. Select the “Browse Classes” link from the Registration section of your Dashboard:



  1. Select the term that you are looking for:


  1. Enter your search criteria:


  1. All courses matching your criteria will be filtered for your review:

For additional information about a course, click on the title of the class:

If you are trying to register for a course and you are NOT within your Time Ticket, you may receive the following messages:


If you are having any issues proceeding in the registration process, or if you have any questions about the error messages that you have received, please follow up with your academic advisor.