Proxy Access allows students to set up access to a proxy to view student information within the New UIS Experience and permits the University’s Customer Contact Center to communicate with their proxy.
For example:
A parent or legal guardian as a proxy may have access to view your Account Detail
A sibling as a proxy who has access to view your Student Profile and/or Grades
Once you set up your proxy, they will receive email instructions on how to set up their account and view the information you have granted them access to. The student has the right to edit or delete the Proxy’s access at any time.
Log into Connect.
This may be done by visiting connect.stjohns.edu, or using the St. John’s University Connect App on your mobile device.Choose the New UIS Experience Widget.
All Students should have the ‘Proxy Setup’ card on their dashboard.
(If you do not see it, you can add it by clicking on the blue “Discover More” button at the bottom of the page. Make sure to bookmark the card if you want it to remain on your dashboard.
Locate the Proxy Setup Card
Click on the link to Review your FERPA Rights. After reviewing your FERPA Rights, close out that tab on your browser to go back to the New UIS Experience dashboard.
Click on the link to Create / Update Proxy
Click on Add New to set up a new Proxy
Fill in the following Proxy Information fields
First Name
Last Name
E-Mail - must be a personal (non-stjohns) email account
Relationship – i.e., Parent or Legal Guardian
Start Date and Stop Date
Start date will default to today’s date. You can change it to whatever date you want.
Stop date will default to four years from today. You can change it to whatever date you want.
Description – Optional field to describe the relationship of your proxy (i.e., ‘Mother’)
Passphrase – a word or a phrase that your Proxy will need to use if they contact the University’s Customer Contact Center (718-990-2000) to speak on your behalf about any of the information for which you have given them authorization. You can provide this passphrase to your Proxy verbally or you can go into Edit mode (see below) and have an email with the passphrase sent to your Proxy.
Authorizations – Select which student information pages you would like your Proxy to view and/or communicate about with the University’s Custom Contact Center on your behalf.
Click Submit
(Once you click submit, your Proxy will receive 3 emails instructing them on how to set up their account and see the authorized information.)
Delete Proxy, Inactive Proxy Status, and Edit Proxy
To Delete a Proxy, click on the trash can under the Proxy’s name.
(The Proxy will receive an email notifying them of the deletion.)
If a Proxy shows as Inactive, they either have not yet set up their account or they have an expired Stop Date.
To Edit Proxy, click on the pencil below the Proxy’s name.
Edit Mode Features
In addition to editing the Proxy Information and Authorizations, you can also:
Click on ‘Reset Password’ to have a password reset email sent to your Proxy (i.e., if your proxy forgets their password)
Click on ‘E-mail Passphrase’ to have the Passphrase emailed to your Proxy
Click on ‘E-mail Authorizations’ to have the list of current Authorizations emailed to your Proxy
Click Submit after making any changes
If you have any questions about setting this up, you may call our University Customer Contact Center at